Did you know that Australian scientists were able to produce the world’s first atomic scale quantum integrated circuit? This will have sooo many applications in quantum computing in the next decade, but the real question is, will the super duper quantum computer fix my slow internet? *fist pump in air* Now back to things a little less science forward, but way funnier. TOMORROW, July 13th, get ready for a brand new installment of BETTER HALF COMEDY, hosted by comedy power couple, Kara Klenk and Jared Logan. Relax on the Bar Bandini back patio, as this tremendous lineup entertains the bytes out of you:
GUY BRANUM (Netflix, The Mindy Project)
SABRINA JALEES (Netflix, Amazon)
MARTIN URBANO (Kimmel, Fallon)
MATT GOLDICH (Seth Meyers)
Keep the mini computer in your pocket, and enjoy some analog laughs TOMORROW!

Mentions: Show 8pm PT. 21+.FREE, donations optional. Location: Bar Bandini, 2150 Sunset Blvd, Echo Park, Los Angeles, CA 90026. Follow the show. Feed the beast. Proof of vaxx required for entry. Show on patio and masks not enforced.