Video Licks: LOCAL BUSINESS COMEDY Brings You A Genuine Duck Tale

LOCAL BUSINESS COMEDY is a sketch trio that provides the services of video sketch, live comedy, and more to our humble community of comedy connoisseurs. It’s members include Joseph Clift, Nick Gligor, and Stephen Perlstein. Another go getter you may be familiar with is Scrooge McDuck. Being “tougher than the toughies and smarter than the smarties and making it square” is how the richest duck in the world made his way to the top. The uncle of Donald Duck had many adventures and business endeavors including finding treasure and mining. Did you ever wonder who took care of all that wealth Mr. McDuck amassed along the way? Scrooge McDuck’s Accountant, of course! Enjoy! (WARNING: You may experience DuckTales flashbacks)

Mentions: Watch more from Local Business Comedy HERE. Always remember “No man is poor who can do what he likes to do once in a while!” Wait for it … “And I like to dive around in my money like a porpoise! And burrow through it like a gopher! And toss it up and let it hit me on the head!” Oh, that duck!